Cologne, 11.–13.03.2025 #AsiaPacific

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Final Report

Asia-Pacific Sourcing 2017


First-class result: Asia-Pacific Sourcing achieves a significant increase in attendance

  • Two-digit growth in the number of visitors: plus 10 percent
  • Numerous exhibitors with expanded stand areas
  • Quality offensive: Best of China convinces

Figures that count: Asia-Pacific Sourcing once again impressively confirmed its role as the most important European hub for house, garden and leisure products from the Far East. Europe's number 1 sourcing platform came to a close on 9 March after three successful trade fair days and a two-digit 10 percent increase in attendance. Including estimates for the last day of the fair, around 7,300 visitors from 65 countries came to Cologne. "Asia-Pacific Sourcing 2017 was a total success. The increased attendance and in particular the huge interest from abroad underline the standing of the trade fair as the international hub for global sourcing between Asia and Europe," stated Katharina C. Hamma, Chief Operating Officer of Koelnmesse GmbH. 644 companies from 14 countries presented existing and new products as well as trends from the house, garden and leisure sector in Hall 5 of the Cologne fair grounds. In comparison to the previous year, the number of exhibitors remained at a constant high level - at the same time numerous companies expanded their stand areas this year. "This development shows that we are satisfying the demands of our customers with the concept of Asia-Pacific Sourcing. The demand for and utilisation of further growth opportunities by the exhibitors demonstrates the existing and future potential of Asia-Pacific Sourcing," continued Hamma.

Once again, the International Trade Fair for Retail Promotions and Imports (IAW) was held parallel to Asia-Pacific Sourcing 2017. Very successfully indeed. Ulrich Zimmermann, Executive Director of the Nordwestdeutsche Messegesellschaft (North West German Exhibition Company) summed up: "The cooperation with Asia-Pacific Sourcing worked excellently again in its second year. The visitors were able to benefit from the variety of the offerings of two events, the exhibitors were also correspondingly satisfied with the additional attendance. The fact that IAW and Asia-Pacific Sourcing are staged parallel to each other has created positive synergy effects for all trade fair participants and we are delighted about this."

In addition to the very good results in terms of quantity, the quality of the range of products at Europe's number 1 sourcing platform was also impressive and received positive feedback from the trade visitors. The Best of China special area in Hall 5.1 is just one example of first-class goods presentation and high-quality products. In its debut year, the exclusive exhibition area, where 17 Chinese companies presented their new products, met with great interest. In total, the trade visitors praised the increasing quality of the 'made in China' products, which were presented at Asia-Pacific Sourcing.

Inquired: Selected results of the visitor and exhibitor survey

The comprehensive range of products, the product quality and the highly-frequented stands ensured high spirits among the trade fair participants. Asia-Pacific Sourcing scored top grades as far as achieving the goals of the visit and the quality of the event were concerned: 70 percent of the visitors interviewed were satisfied or even very satisfied as far as achieving the goals of their visit were concerned. Furthermore, almost 70 percent were satisfied or very satisfied with the event as a whole.

The exhibitors of Asia-Pacific Sourcing particularly praised the quality of the visitors: Almost 75 percent of the respondents stated that they were satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of the visitors. Furthermore, over 75 percent of the exhibitors stated that they will probably or very probably exhibit at Asia-Pacific Sourcing 2019. The recommendation rate was correspondingly high: Over 90 percent of the exhibitors interviewed would recommend an associated company to participate at the next Asia-Pacific Sourcing.

Asia-Pacific Sourcing 2017 in figures

In 2017, 644 exhibitors (2015: 656) from 14 countries (11) participated in Asia-Pacific Sourcing: China was the largest exhibitor nation with 538 exhibitors, followed by Taiwan with 37 exhibitors and Hong Kong with 31 exhibitors. Including estimates for the last day of the fair, around 7,300 (6,600) visitors from 65 (66) countries were recorded at Asia-Pacific Sourcing 2017, this corresponds to a growth rate of 10 percent.